Monday, 23 February 2015

Location Aware Computing

The numbers of computing devices we all have access to has increased massively in recent years.  In "olden times" users either had a laptop or desktop, or if you were really lucky 1 or each.  These days, there are laptops, hybrids, tablets, smartphones, desktops, all-in-ones, consoles, smartwatches and very soon, what I like to call - faceputers (Microsoft Hololens, Sony SmartGlasses, Oculus Rift etc.).

As devices (mobile devices in particular) become more powerful, some clever people at the likes of Intel and ARM have decided that we could perhaps start to use some of these devices to replace the traditional desktop.  That presents a few problems, however.  Mobile devices are notorious clumsy when it comes to using them at the desk, for instance when connected to a larger monitor.  Problems with wires and physical connection, the issue around proprietary docking systems, and even the software you use all mean that using a mobile device at your desk like a normal PC is far from straight forward.

What Intel and ARM are suggesting is a new breed of device that is location aware.  It will "know" when you are at your desk and when you are not.  It will automatically connect wirelessly to a dedicated screen, and even change it's display and operating mode accordingly, to adapt to it's new surroundings.  It's a neat idea, and one that could indeed reduce on the number of devices we need in order to work, or learn.

Intel's Vision

Intel are obviously pushing their new WiDi Pro (Wireless Display technology), along with their new range of chipsets and processors.  As the following video shows, they foresee a wireless world where devices connect, sync, charge and display wirelessly.  Plus apparently it will make you fitter and more popular with your kids... ;)

Seamless ARMs

ARM are predicting similar technology, this time called "Seamless Computing" and along with technology like wireless charging and NFC, ARM suggest the smartphone could become even smarter.

They both present an exciting vision of the future when we no longer have to wade through pages of on-screen settings, or raid overcrowded desk drawers looking for cables, adaptors and chargers.  I wrote a previous blog post on the idea of a wireless nirvana.  It looks like it's getting closer to reality....