The iPhone 6 was initially well received with a host of newly announced improvements over last year's 5S, but since then early adopters have started to post a few problems with the new devices. The most serious of these is perhaps the issue with the large iPhone 6 Plus bending whilst in people's pockets. See the link below which includes several photos and a video that is starting to look a lot like Uri Geller's portfolio:
iPhone 6 customers complain about bending phones
It seems the usual Apple build quality has slipped slightly and the aluminium chassis of the iPhone 6 Plus is being bent and not returning to it's original shape. Oh dear. No doubt Apple boffins are slaving over new modifications and in the meantime the excellent Apple support will no doubt simply replace any that are bent, but it hints at areas within Apple product development that are just not testing things enough or simply cutting corners in manufacturing. It sort of worries me about the release of Apple Watch next year...
Speaking of which, Apple finally confirmed it's entry into this market with the announcement that the Apple Watch will be coming in Early 2015. The information and demos at the event were mainly to do with the design rather than the functionality which is understandably still being developed. The "digital crown" (the twiddly knob on the side) will feature heavily no doubt with much being made of this unique feature in the blurb. Great if you are a right-handed person. Not so good if you wear your watch on your right wrist - like me, but then I've had that problem with watches for years. However, I don't have to use the crown on a normal watch for everyday functionality. I'll be interested to see if there is a "lefty Apple Watch revolt" in the coming months...
IOS8 has almost been overshadowed by the hardware launches of the Watch and iPhone products, but you should have had notification of the release of the update now. Again, this hasn't gone as smoothly as normal with the update insisting on an incredible 6GB of free space being available before it will even install! Now, on devices without expandable memory (SD card slot etc.) and with storage of just 16GB (but only around 13GB being usable), this means that Apple expect you to only keep your iDevices half full. That's not gonna happen even for the most ruthless of digital minimalists. When you do eventually free enough space and install the update, you'll probably be underwhelmed slightly as it looks almost identical to the previous version with only the notification system UI being noticeably different. Other issues with battery draining and wifi slow down being reported, it seems Apple have some more work to do yet on perfecting this revision.
Could the old Apple motto of "It just works" be starting to slip...?
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